Jak to funguje


Zaregistrujte se nyní na Extravagantní odpočet


Získejte body za každou registraci a objednávku od vybavení Ruckus.


Sbírejte body. Čím více bodů akumulovat, tím blíže budete ke skvělým cenám


Vyhrajte Extravagantní ceny. Prodejce s nejvyšším počtem bodů nakonec vyhraje naši cenu Extravaganza a každý týden rozdáme 1 dárek.


Doba trvání:

1 November – 31 December 2023



Jak získávat body

  • 1 bod za $1,000 – Odešlete schválenou registraci projektu pro Ruckus s Westcon.
  • 10 za $1,000 Za každou nákupní objednávku Ruckus zadanou u Westcon se schválenou registrací projektu
  • Pokud je prodejce v Ruckus nový, získá za tuto nabídku dvojnásobek bodů.

Co vyhrajete

Extravagantní cenu

Týmová gurmánská akce pro maximálně 7 osob v hodnotě $2 000

Týdenní ceny:

$100 Koš gurmánských jídel tombola.

Zaregistrujte se nyní

Ruckus Extravaganza Countdown Terms & Conditions

  1. Only receipted orders and registered deals with Westcon’s Europs practice at trade value excluding VAT are taken into consideration during the incentive period: 1 November 2023 to 31 December 2023
  2. This reward will be given on all vendor products from Ruckus Networks.
  3. Qualifying orders booked or registered must exceed minimum order value of $1,000 excluding taxes to qualify and be booked between 1 November 2023 to 31 December 2023
  4. Rewards will be a weekly raffled $100 Gourmet Food Hamper and a Fine Dining Team Event in worth of $2000 given to the partner with the highest accumulated points based on POs and Deal Regs
  5. Westcon reserves the right to exclude price-supported business.
  6. There will be no allowance for orders placed without Purchase Orders that have been accepted by Westcon.
  7. Westcon reserves the right to withdraw any rewards should your organisation’s Westcon Group account be in arrears.
  8. No cash alternatives available.
  9. Westcon is not responsible for any tax liabilities associated with the provision of the incentive including but not limited to those incurred by the Re-seller.*
  10. Only re-sellers who provide end-user data where required will qualify for this incentive.
  11. Westcon reserves the right to withdraw or amend the reward at any time – Westcon’s decision is final.
  12. Any queries regarding this incentive should be submitted in writing to [email protected]

*By taking an active part in the above incentive, we are responsible for the declaration and payment of any applicable tax liabilities related to this incentive. Westcon will ensure that you have sufficient information for any such declaration.